Goal of this post
Get you started with the Raspberry Pi Model B with as little extra hardware as possible.
What you need
- Raspberry Pi Model B
- SD Card 8 GiB Class 10
- Micro-USB cable for power
- Network cable for communication
- A computer
- Network router (optional)
- External power supply for Raspberry Pi (5V, ~1A) (optional, very recommended)
What you do
Take careful note of everything in bold red, you might need to change these fields.
Prepare SD Card
- Download latest Raspbian operating system - http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads
- Open Terminal
- df -h
- Insert SD Card into computer
- df -h (Note rdisk-number for SD Card, ex: /dev/disk1s1)
- sudo diskutil unmount /dev/disk1s1
- sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/rdisk1
- Wait until dd has done its job, around 2-3 minutes
- sudo diskutil eject /dev/rdisk1
- Remove SD Card and insert into Raspberry Pi
- Plug Raspberry Pi into network and attach power, three leds should light up, indicating power and network connection
Discover Raspberry Pi network address
Either use a network scan for port 22 (SSH) or log in to your router and check DHCP leases.
Make SSH connection
- Open Terminal
- ssh pi@
- Default password is "raspberry"
- Run raspb-config and set up your own settings
- Go Crazy.